at Wenatchee Valley College
(Image credit: Matthew L. Morgan, Flickr)
Twin Holy Day Celebration
The worldwide Bahá’í community is gearing up to celebrate the 200-year anniversary of the birthdays of the founders of the Bahá’í Faith, The Bab and Bahá’u’lláh. Here in Wenatchee we will be marking this important event with a celebration at the Wenatchee Valley College Music and Arts Center.
Our local celebration will be part of a worldwide observance of the bicentenary. With more than 5 million followers who reside in virtually every nation on Earth, the Baha’i faith is the second-most-widespread faith, surpassing every religion but Christianity in its geographic reach. Bahá’ís reside in more than 100,000 localities around the world, an expansion that reflects their dedication to their ideal of world citizenship.
The Baha’i faith is the youngest of the world’s independent religions. Its founder, Baha’u’llah, is regarded by Bahá’í as the most recent in the line of messengers of God that includes Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Christ, Muhammad and the Bab. Bahá’u’lláh brings new spiritual and social teachings for our modern age. He taught that there is only one God, that all the world’s religions are from God, and that now is the time for humanity to recognize its oneness and unity. Such unity means that humanity will learn to appreciate and love its diversity. Far from wanting to blend all human culture into uniformity, Bahá’ís are working towards a unity in which cultural diversity is seen as an enrichment for everybody. A true Bahá’í loves the entirety of the human race, because in each and every person lies the potential to become a shining gem of divine qualities.
Come help us celebrate this momentous occasion:
Grove Auditorium of the Music and Art Center at Wenatchee Valley College
1300 5th Avenue, Wenatchee
7pm to 8:30pm, October 21, 2017
Featuring the story of the Baha’i Faith with a newly released film.
Children welcome
For more information call: 509-860-9560